Despite both scripts being in the same folder, The type or namespace could...
Hi I want to make the player character to be unable to move while a dialog is happening. To do that, i added `public bool canMove` in the ThirdPersonUserControl.cs script. then i just put...
View ArticleUnity error DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path :
Hi, and I recently got an error on unity which doesn't allow me to use my scripts and yeah here is the full error : _ - DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path...
View ArticleI can not build my project in Unity Version 2018.3.12f1
I pressed the Build button on Build Settings Window. After everything is over, there was "Build completed with a result of 'Succeeded' " message in the console window with two error messages. And then,...
View Articlehow do i solve this issue?
![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/136179-screenshot-4.png after i added the rigidbody component to my "player" game object i started getting this message every time i tried to press the play button....
View ArticleError CS0101 in C#
Started coding a door script for an animation that happens when the door's box collider is triggered. I figured I would watch a tutorial video on it (it was this video:...
View ArticleNeed help with a gun script
Hi I know I have been asking a few questions and I'm sorry. I don't know who I'm talking anyways but... I need help with a gun script I made I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. Here...
View ArticleUnresolvable errors 5.6.3f
Can some body please help me on this, Unity doesn't seems to be showing any helpful error messages. This happened when i was trying to add AppLovin mediation and Chartboost mediation with...
View ArticleFATAL EXCEPTION, 2018.3.6f1, nativeMuteMasterAudio,FATAL EXCEPTION 2018.3.6f1
java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [main] Unity version : 2018.3.6f1 Device model : samsung SM-G930L Device fingerprint: samsung/heroltelgt/heroltelgt:7.0/NRD90M/G930LKLU1DQL1:user/release-keys Caused by...
View ArticleUnable to build for iOS on any Mac
I'm having a very difficult issue when trying to build my app for iOS on any Mac I have. I've tried three different ones with fresh Unity installs of 2018.3.12.f1. I have attempted to build on a fresh...
View ArticleThe game freezes after a splash screen
Hello. I ran into such a problem that after Splash screen the game just freezes (android). Adb gives this error:> 04-14 14: 53: 49.892 8101 8131 E> Unity: 04-14 14:> 53:...
View Article403 Forbidden - PHP,SQL and Unity
Hi there! I have an app built in Unity that reads and writes to a little database. This works fine with a localhost, however now that I've placed and updated the PHP files on my web hosting (and...
View ArticleHow to fix UNITY_MATRIX_MV error in Unity 2019.1.0f2?
This is the error I'm getting: Shader warning in 'Toon/Basic': Use of UNITY_MATRIX_MV is detected. To transform a vertex into view space, consider using UnityObjectToViewPos for better performance....
View ArticleHow to fix "out" error that's stopping my Unity projects from running?
So, I just updated to the latest version of Unity, 2019.1.0f2, and it's causing the following critical error to appear (66 times):...
View ArticleUnauthorizedAccessException after reinstalling Unity on new drive.
My save game load worked just fine. But when I added an SSD drive and installed Windows and Unity on it, I started getting unathorizedAccess error message and my load no longer works. For some reason,...
View ArticleOpenCVForUnity
I am using plugin OpenCVForUnity from assetstore. Imported it to blank new project. Have error: ArgumentException: The output Mat object has to be of the same size. Can't really get what it means and...
View Article"Can't add script behaviour ARKitCameraExtensions."
Same script when placed in the game object didn't open the placement indicator box (as I've sen in a tutorial), so I tried to do everything again in hope this placement box would appear, so now I can't...
View ArticleScreen position out of frustrum and Assertion failed on expression??
When my cutscene begins the character immediately starts violently shaking, disappears from view and then the camera spins around very fast outside the level. I get a massive amount of error messages...
View ArticleCan not play a disabled audio source, but the source is definitely not disabled!
This is the error message I'm getting: Can not play a disabled audio source UnityEngine.AudioSource:Play() SoundManager:BallHitsBlockSound() (at Assets/Scripts/SoundManager.cs:20)...
View ArticleObject reference not set to an instance of an object - Unity FPS Sample
Hello Guys, can someone help me please? When I connect the second time on a server from the FPS Sample I get the following error: ![alt text][1] [1]:...
View ArticleHow to get VR controls working again after update to 2019.1.0f2?
After updating Unity to 2019.1.0f2 the [OVR Controller] character in my VR fps game for Oculus Rift is no longer responding to any inputs on the Rift's Touch controllers. It comes up with the following...
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