Strange casting exception...Please help
I have a static class that handles all of my network room data. The class normally works great but I am now getting a strange casting exception... Here is an example of a typical property getter and...
View Article(C#) Stack overflow caused by unknown operation
Hi. My editor keeps crashing because of a stack overflow. The error message is as follows: ![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/82643-unityso.png I can't seem to find an infinite loop in my code and i'm...
View ArticleWeb player hosting with Dropbox
Out of all the questions I've read about web player hosting with dropbox, all of them have been posted a minimum of a year ago, and they all say you need to have a public folder. Unfortunetley for free...
View Articleerror solution
Hi, Im absolute beginner, Trying to setup a simple google vr scene. when Im trying to play the scebe these 2 errors pops up : Assets/GoogleVR/Legacy/Scripts/Internal/VRDevices/GvrDevice.cs(90,10):...
View ArticleProblem with the LOD system
Hi, i'm working on a open world game, it have the trees in separated object i'm dont using the tree terrain tool, so each tree have LOD group for optimize, and also the map have a lot of the details on...
View ArticleObsolete API updating can't work, errors not fixed
Hi, I download a project, for sculpt at runtime, the script seems to be obsolete but the API updating can't work because the code presents some errors. It's java and I don't have enough experience to...
View Articlesuccess && actual == (UInt64)size
Hey, So I have recently purchased a realistic environment pack from the asset store and am attempting to download it however I have several errors that appear as the download reaches 98%, anybody know...
View Articleerror CS0019: Operator `-' cannot be applied to operands of type...
What the heck does this mean: error CS0019: Operator `-' cannot be applied to operands of type `System.DateTime' and `string' I'm trying to use it like this: public static string GetDaysPassedQ01() {...
View ArticleHow to fix error CS0103 Cannot implicitly covert type 'bool' to 'string'
I have a question about Unity. I have written a script but it doesn't work. I'm trying to allow the player to enter a name and on pressing Enter the text will change and show "Hello +PlayerName" I have...
View ArticleAssets/Standard Assets/Detonator/System/DetonatorBurstEmitter.cs(66,53):...
Hi all i'm noob in unity 3d and i get this error Assets/Standard Assets/Detonator/System/DetonatorBurstEmitter.cs(66,53): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `EllipsoidParticleEmitter' could not...
View ArticleAssertion failed on expression: 'ptr->GetHideFlags () == m_RequiredHideFlags'...
Assertion failed on expression: 'ptr->GetHideFlags () == m_RequiredHideFlags' UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI() Got that error on 5.5.0f3, it lets me play the game and clear it, but i get it again...
View ArticleOnEnable called by disabled object
I just run into the problem, that it seeems the function OnEnable() is called by not enabled objects what causing my script to crash. Here is the code that produces the following error:...
View ArticleError message Version can't be blank
I can't install Unity. I tried manual activation several times and every time I got error message "Error message: Version can't be blank". How can I solve it? Please check the screen shot I've...
View ArticleI need some help fixing some code
With this code i am working with and it says there is an error in line 26, symbol 17 and in line 28 symbol 1. can anyone tell what errors if any there are and how to fix them. using UnityEngine; using...
View ArticleError!!! NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of...
Hello everybody! I want to instantiate a button which it change a path. I create this script: using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.IO; using...
View ArticleAssets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Status.cs(31,17): error CS0117:...
1) Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Status.cs(31,17): error CS0117: `SteamVR_Utils' does not contain a definition for `Event' 2) Assets/SteamVR/Scripts/SteamVR_Status.cs(36,17): error CS0117:...
View ArticleOperationCanceledException: Failed to prepare target build directory. Is a...
This error keeps popping up more and more often when making a standalone build on Windows. There is **no other game instance running** according to task manager. Any idea? OperationCanceledException:...
View ArticleMember cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type...
I was in the middle of programming a block puzzle, when the block entered a trigger it's position was set to the triggers position and a door opened. So far everything worked, but I wanted to lock the...
View ArticleProblem : Assets/Standard Assets/Image Effects (Pro...
![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/85965-screenshot-53.png
View ArticleAn object reference is required to access non-static member...
Hello im getting this error An object reference is required to access non-static member `UnityEngine.Animation.Play()' there is my code public class BottleControl : MonoBehaviour { Rigidbody rb; bool...
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