error CS0103: The name 'DrawCreateWorkspace' does not exist in the current...
Library\PackageCache\com.unity.collab-proxy@1.15.18\Editor\PlasticSCM\Views\CreateWorkspace\CreateWorkspaceView.cs(68,13): error CS0103: The name 'DrawCreateWorkspace' does not exist in the current...
View Articlesomebody can help me to fix this error?,Somebody can help me with this error?
Assets\player.cs(37,30): error CS1513: } expected ,Assets\player.cs(37,30): error CS 1002: ; expected This is the code: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine;...
View ArticleCan Someone please explain how to fix this error, I've seen people use random...
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class SpawnManager : MonoBehaviour { public float SpawnRangeX = 9.7f; public float SpawnPosY = 4f; public...
View Article"Can't convert type float to string"
Hi, I am trying to make a simple game, but it keeps giving me this error: Assets\Scripts\NextLevel.cs(22,32): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'float' to 'string' using System.Collections;...
View ArticleOnCollisionEnter not working I don't know why!
I am very new to Unity and C# and I was following a guide to learn som more about Unity, but I got stuck because the collision doesn't work. I want the "Player" to get removed when it tocuhes the...
View Articleerror: CS1525: Invalid expression term '
Hello. I don't know what I do wrong but I get the error "CS1525: Invalid expression term '<' " when trying to do some if + greater than / less than statements. Here are some variables that are not...
View ArticleGetting error CS106
I was following a tutorial on making an AudioManager and my code won't work. Can anyone find the problem, please? using UnityEngine.Audio; using UnityEngine; using System; public class AudioManager :...
View Articleerror CS0019
Hello. How can I fix this? void KinnijäämiseParandus() { if (rb.velocity.z <= 13) { tf.position = tf.position + (0, 0, 1); // error line } } I get error CS0019: Operator '+' cannot be applied to...
View ArticleWhy does Unity have a problem with some voids being private or public?
I just want to know why Unity gets angry at some voids for being private or public. It goes like "Private/Public is not valid for this item"
View ArticleScreen turns grey and displays error message
For some reason, when I am on my unity game for too long, a lot of the same errors start showing up and my screen turns grey. The error: MissingReferenceException: The object of type...
View ArticleHow to access objects that was not destroyed on load?
I have a game object called "Keep" that's the tag "Keeper" and is meant to send data between scenes and is not destroyed on load, it has a script attached to it called SaveMe.cs In SaveMe.cs... void...
View ArticleHow to access game objects that haven't been destroyed on load?
I have a game object called "Keep" with tag "Keeper" that stores variables between scripts, it has an attached script called "SaveMe.cs" In SaveMe.cs... void Awake() {...
View Articleerror CS0117: `UnityEngine.Graphics' does not contain a definition for...
I imported a project from my local repo, I keep getting multiple flags about this line same error twice, error CS0117 @P5YK0P4T ,How did you fix this? Any information would be appreciated thanks :)
View ArticleErrors in outline effect asset
I downloaded an asset that allows me to add an outline to an object and I got two errors. How do I fix them? Asset:...
View ArticleUnassignedReferenceExeption I can't find the problem.
Hello, all I want to do is calling the AddHighscoreEntry method, but as soon as I call, the error appears. I already searched the internet for solutions. What I can say by now: -Theres no empty field...
View ArticleIm getting: error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'bool' to...
This is my script: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public GameObject caj_closed, caj_opened, intText, lockedtext; public AudioSource open, close;...
View ArticleStack Overflow help
Hello I have a method called Atttack() that is responsible for playing the attack animation of my player but its causing a stack overflow in my if statement. private void Attack() { Weapon...
View ArticleHelp with 2D topdown movment
Hi, I'm new to Unity. I started watching videos on how to create 2d top down movement with C# I copied the guy's script exactly double checked to make sure. And it didn't work. I checked and checked,...
View Articlegetting gradle build error colliding attributes NEED HELP
so im trying to build an android ar game but when i go to build it i get the following error. any suggestions on how to fix it?...
View ArticleInvokeRepeating works nowhere, but why?
Following Code isnt working: public class Player : MonoBehaviour { public void Start() { InvokeRepeating("Test()", 0, 1); } public void Test() { print("Test"); } } Error Message: Trying to Invoke...
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