I have imported the Standard Assets. When I add water to my scene it is pink. I added the Prefabs for WaterProDaytime and Water(Basic) WaterBasicDaytime and both are pink.
Under Water(Basic) Shaders select the FXWaterBasic shader, in the Inspector > Imported Object > FX/Water(Basic)there are 4 errors listed:
'unity_ObjectToWorld' : undeclared identifier for opengl, d3d9, d3d11, d3d11_9x.
If I Open the code in MonoDevelop, the first line is a comment:
*// Upgrade NOTE: replaced '_Object2World' with 'unity_ObjectToWorld'*
unity_ObjectToWorld is only used on line 43:
float4 wpos = mul (unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
Using Unity personal (64bit) v 5.3.4f1
Any idea what causes this error and how to fix it?