can someone help me with this error please?
I'm sorry i tried to find a solution elsewhere but i'm just a self student so can someone please tell me what is and how to fix this error? OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory...
View ArticleUnity.exe - Entry Point Not Found
How do I fix this? I just downloaded Unity and I was about to make an asset, so I started up the program and I received a popup saying, "The procedure entry point ucrtbase.terminate could not be...
View ArticleWhere to find problem: UnityException: DestroyImmediate can only be called...
I have this coming up in the console, but clicking on it doesn't highlight an object in the scene, nor is there any reference to my code, only to Unity code. How do I find where this problem is coming...
View Articlewhy my Unity Couldn't decompress package?
![alt text][1] I have been using unity for awhile now and i never seen this popup before but i'm guessing the file is corrupted but if anyone know a way to fix it please help. Can someone help me with...
View ArticleAndroid build reports "Wrong task initialization"
I'm receiving following errors in logcat: *D/Unity: Wrong task initialization for key=4* *D/Unity: No task defined* Does anyone know what this means and how to fix it? 10-29 17:27:45.039...
View ArticleAssertion failed on expression 'GetPathNameExtension(path) == "unity"'
Has anyone come across the error message shown in the title? It's started cropping up in the console when our project is loaded. No other information at all (in the console or editor log). Is the...
View ArticleVisual Studio Code doesn't work for with unity
I use Visual Studio Code as my editor of choice. However, lately I have been seeing these errors: ![alt text][1] Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? I am using the most recent version of VSCode...
View Articlewhat is this "get_isActiveAndEnabled can only be called from the main...
why unity shows this message? get_isActiveAndEnabled can only be called from the main thread.Constructors and field initializers will be executed from the loading thread when loading a scene.Don't use...
View ArticleCS0103 error when building scenes
Hi, I'm currently learning to program in Unity. I followed a tutorial and had the following script working in UNity 2018.2. I have an older project in UNity 2017.4 and now I'm getting these errors....
View ArticleInvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type
Hi! I found an open source project on github -> [MatchThree][1]. I have seen, there is a bug. When I started to play this game, I found the mentioned bug: "If we try to switch a bomb and a figure...
View ArticleDown movement: Why can't you subtract transform.position.y from 0?
I'm new to Unity and I'm creating a basic program which lets the user move a sprite with the arrow keys. Left/right movement is OK. Now, I want the user to be able to move the sprite down, but if they...
View ArticleError: SDK Facebook
Win32Exception: ApplicationName='C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/Facebook\SDKUpdater.exe', CommandLine='', CurrentDirectory='' System.Diagnostics.Process.Start_noshell...
View Article"CheckDisalowAllocation" Error using ShaderGraph
Hello, I'm trying to use the Lightweight Render Pipeline and the new Shadergraph feature to create a shader for terrain that makes the terrain look like a topographic map. I'm replicating the...
View ArticleNo scripts derive from monobehaviour.
For whatever reason, I can't use any scripts at all in Unity. Every time I try to add a script to an object, I get the following error. Can't add script behavior TMP_CoroutineTween. The script needs to...
View Articleunloading broken assembly unityeditor.wsa.extension.dll
Unloading broken assembly C:/Program Files/Unity/Hub/Editor/2018.2.0f2/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/MetroSupport/UnityEditor.WSA.Extensions.dll, this assembly can cause crashes in the runtime its broken :(
View ArticleI have that error assertion failed on expression: 'chunkX >= 0 && chunkX
![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/127378-capture-decran-2018-11-07-a-085022.png
View ArticleYet again Sorry, this link is no longer valid.
Hi All, We have a lab environment of 85 workstations and have been using Unity for quite some time and battled with the "Sorry, this link is no longer valid." bug. Based on numerous recommendations we...
View Articlewhat dose it mean by "too many tiles in image"?
![alt text][1] [1]: /storage/temp/127522-error.png
View ArticleWhy is it that whenever i load a new scene while playing some of my linked...
Okay, i made a game, in this game i have stores, the stores have texts within them i link these texts using codes such as : public Text TextObjectName and i link my texts in the game engine, and it all...
View Articlei had to edit in notepad ++ and the namespace is wrong however on the...
I have two errors a namespace for "Vector3" I don't know how to fix this or why it is an error since I copied the tutorial I was watching exactly and there are no differences except for the fact that I...
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