I'm quite new to unity and I'm creating a simple 2D ball-style game with my camera following the roll of the player in orthographic view. Recently, I started to get a lot of these errors. I looked into this error a bit on the forum and I managed to find out that the problem seems to be with my camera somehow. The errors start to flow precisely when the ball hits something and tilts a bit like it should then goes on rolling in this tilted manner. The camera is untagged and is on the default layer, while there is a GO attached to the ball which the camera cannot see due to its layer properties. I have another, stationary camera used as a minimap, but when I deactivate the main cam, I stop getting the errors. I tried to set the main cam back to defaults as well as deleting and re-creating it to no avail. It is even more interesting, because I had these tiltings for a long time now and these errors never occurred before. I just downloaded the latest unity version and the errors started right afterwards, by the way. I have already un-and-reinstalled unity, but nothing changed. Has anyone seen something similar?