I don't know exactly what's going on but my ´´Destroy by Contact`` script that I wrote following the Space Shooter tutorial is acting strange.
When I hit play everything works fine as expected, but whenever I destroy an asteroid I get two error messages and theses messages keep repeating infinitely as the asteroids are destroyed.
One note: the FPS drop increase as the asteroids are destroyed.
Here is the script and error message:
(ps. when I remove this line of command, that make the explosion, the error message, also the fps drop stop happening)
![alt text][1]
![alt text][2]
One more important note: when an asteroid is destroyed, its explosion effect remain in the scene, as shown in the hierarchy, see:
http://i.imgur.com/hnfT6W3.jpg (couldn't upload more imagens here)
Could somebody please help me with this problem? I'm starting with Unity and don't know what to do.
[1]: /storage/temp/60878-screenshot-22.png
[2]: /storage/temp/60879-screenshot-24.png