I am developing a game which uses a turn based grid movement system, early on I instantiate every tile and store each of them in a 2d array:
public void GenerateMapVisuals()
tilesOnMap = new GameObject[mapSizeX, mapSizeY];
for (int x = 0; x < mapSizeX; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < mapSizeY; y++)
TileType tt = tileTypes[tiles[x, y]];
GameObject go = (GameObject)Instantiate (tt.tileVisualPrefab as GameObject, new Vector3 (x, y, 0), Quaternion.identity);
ClickableTile ct = go.GetComponent();
ct.TileX = x;
ct.TileY = y;
ct.map = this;
tilesOnMap[x, y] = go;
each tile has a script component which contains information such as its location as well as if it is occupied and the unit that is occupying it. I also utilize a pathfinding algorithm in order to determine which tiles a unit can move to, I want the algorithm to exclude tiles which are occupied, so once the algorithm completes I want it to check each node that it has determined the unit can move to, get the x, y coordinates of it, and get the tile at the x,y's script and check whether or not it is occupied
However, when I attempt to do this with
foreach(Node node in FinalMovementHighlight)
GameObject tileinq = tilesOnMap[node.x, node.y];
if(tileinq.GetComponent().isOccupied == true)
I get the following error at if(tileinq.GetComponent().isOccupied == true) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
I hope this is clear enough if not I am happy to provide additional context.