Hi, I'm having some trouble with my burst fire script. It keeps giving me the errors
(152,18): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `(', expecting `,', `;', or `='
(163,1): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `}'
(152,6): error CS1547: Keyword `void' cannot be used in this context
Here is the code
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class GunMagnum : MonoBehaviour
private const int V = 3;
public GameObject decalHit;
public float projectileDestroyTimer = 5f;
public int maxAmmoTotal = 30; // Max ammo to carry Example: 30
public int maxAmmoInClipTotal = 5; // Max ammo total to be able to reload Example: 5
public int curAmmo = 30; // Current reloadable ammo Example: 30
public int ammoInClip = 8; // Current ammo in clip Example: 5
private bool isReloading = false;
public string fireAnimation; //Shoot animation
public string clipEmptyAnim; //Clip empty animation
public string reloadAnimation; //Reload animation
public float reloadTime = 1f; // How long it takes to reload
public Animator reloadAnimations;
public Animator ClipEmptyAnimations;
public GameObject weapon; //Needed for aiming
public ParticleSystem muzzleflash;
public Animator FireAnimation;
public AudioSource GunSounds;
private RaycastHit rayHit;
public float shootDistance = 200f;
private float defaultRecoil = 50f;
public float recoil = 50f;
public float recoilAiming = 10f;
public Vector3 aimPos = Vector3.zero;
private Vector3 defaultPos = Vector3.zero;
public float smoothTime; //How long it takes to get to the aiming position
private Vector3 dampVelocity;
private bool aiming = false;
private AudioSource audioSource; //Audio source
public AudioClip fireSound; //Sound when shooting
public AudioSource clipEmptySound; //Sound when clip is empty
public AudioSource reloadSound; //Sound when reloading
public float hitDamage = 12;
public float LastTimeShot;
public float TimeBetweenShots = 1;
public float fireRate = 20f;
private const float TIME_BETWEEN_SHOTS = .5f;
private const int SHOTS_PER_BURST = 3;
public int shotDamage = 10; // Change this variable to deal a different ammount of damage
// Routine responsible for firing a burst
private Coroutine shootRoutine = null;
private float nextTimeToFire = 0f;
//Only for testing
int removedAmmoRecently; //Only for testing
private IEnumerator BurstFire()
int bulletsShot = 0;
while (bulletsShot < SHOTS_PER_BURST)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_BETWEEN_SHOTS);
shootRoutine = null;
void Start()
defaultPos = weapon.transform.localPosition;
defaultRecoil = recoil;
audioSource = GetComponent();
void Update()
if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") && Time.time >=nextTimeToFire)
nextTimeToFire = Time.time + 1f / fireRate;
if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2") && !isReloading)
aiming = !aiming;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R) && !isReloading)
private void Shoot()
if(ammoInClip != 0 && !isReloading)
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(Screen.width/2f + Random.Range(-recoil, recoil), Screen.height/2f + Random.Range(-recoil, recoil), 0f));
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out rayHit, shootDistance))
GameObject decalClone = (GameObject)Instantiate(decalHit, rayHit.point, Quaternion.LookRotation(rayHit.normal, Vector3.forward));
Destroy(decalClone, projectileDestroyTimer);
void DoDamage(RaycastHit hit)
if(hit.transform.tag == "Enemy")
hit.transform.GetComponent().ApplyDamage(shotDamage); // Apply damage equal to the damage variable to the enemy
Debug.Log(hit.transform.name + " has been hit");
IEnumerator Reload()
//If ammoInClip example 5 is equal or greater than 0 and ammoInClip(5) is lower than maxAmmoInClipTotal(The max amount of ammo that can be in a clip) and curAmmo(how much ammo you have like 5/30) is greater than 0
if (ammoInClip >= 0 && ammoInClip < maxAmmoInClipTotal && curAmmo > 0)
isReloading = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(reloadTime);
removedAmmoRecently = 0; //You can remove this line, it's only for testing.
for (int i = 0; i < maxAmmoInClipTotal; i++)
if (ammoInClip == maxAmmoInClipTotal || curAmmo <= 0)
removedAmmoRecently++; //You can remove this line, it's only for testing. | To check how much ammo has been removed
isReloading = false;
Debug.Log("Removed " + removedAmmoRecently + " " + "ammo from pocket ammo. Ammo: " + ammoInClip + "/" + curAmmo); //You can remove this line, it's only for testing. | Prints out how much ammo that has been removed, ammo you have in clip, and how much ammo that is left
yield break;
void PlayAnimation(string anim)
if (anim != "")
void PlaySound(AudioClip clip)
if (clip != null)
void AimDownSight()
if(aiming && weapon.transform.localPosition.normalized != aimPos.normalized)
weapon.transform.localPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp (weapon.transform.localPosition, aimPos, ref dampVelocity, smoothTime);
Debug.Log ("Aiming");
recoil = recoilAiming;
if(!aiming && weapon.transform.localPosition.normalized != defaultPos.normalized)
weapon.transform.localPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp (weapon.transform.localPosition, defaultPos, ref dampVelocity, smoothTime);
Debug.Log ("UnAiming");
recoil = defaultRecoil;
void OnGUI()
GUILayout.Label("Ammo: " + ammoInClip + "/" + curAmmo);